Welcome to Kalahari Pristine Salt Worx
The Original Organic Kalahari Salt™ established 2003
Kalahari & Silver Crystal Organic Gourmet Salt
280 to 300 million years ago during the Paleozoic era in a formation known as the Dwyka, salt leached from what is known today as the semi-desert region of part of the Kalahari in Africa. At this time in our history the earth was pristine, pure and unpolluted unlike today with the many oil spills and the dumping of all sorts of waste into our oceans and lakes.
Kalahari Pristine Salt Worx located the most undisturbed ancient inland underground saltpan deposit in this area to bring to you the consumer the best unpolluted natural full flavoured savoury salt available, without any additives or chemicals.
Kalahari & Silver Crystal Salt is in its natural state an underground salt brine which gets pumped onto the surface and then is sun dried. It still contains all the minerals and trace elements that are essential to the body’s health and our well being. It remains as pure and natural as nature intended it.
Taste the difference between
processed Salt and Kalahari & Silver Crystal Salt.
Your purest salt available.
Buy this rare pure unpolluted organic salt…

Kalahari Salt™ is available in bulk and all products can be co-packed or manufactured under license.
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Kalahari Salt™ is a Trademark of Kalahari Pristine Salt Worx.